Secure Checkout
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Secure Checkout

Orders and Processing

Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, we have had to make some changes to optimize our production. Please expect 4-5 days for shipping turn around times. Also, Please note UPS has made changes to their policy. For walk-in customers, please utilize our Drive Up & Go policy as our Showroom is currently closed. We appreciate your patience!


This applies for all customers who would like to make purchases from our retail location. We want to ensure the safety of you and our sales team so for the time being we request that you make all purchases in advance over the phone. The process is very simple:

  • Give our sales team a call and place your order, payment will be made via debit or credit at this time. (No cash sales!)
  • Allow our team a 1 hour window to get your order put together.
  • Give us a call when you are in our parking lot and one of our team members will bring your purchase out to you. (Please allow them to put your order in your vehicle for you.)
  • Head on home with some sweet RuffStuff Beef!

If you have any further questions please feel free to give us a call at 916-600-1945